Thursday, January 31, 2013

This picture was taken in New York City in 1877.  The picture was taken in a low-income community and the picture reflects that very well.  I thought it was really cool, it showed more of the cultural aspect.  There are men playing baseball and children standing on the outside watching.  I also like the laundry that is hanging from the buildings.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1900s American City

This is a video of urban america of film clips from 1896 to 1903.This showed clips from Ellis Island to New York City. I thought it was interesting to think about how New York City is now and see what it was like in the 1900s with trolleys and marketplaces instead of what we are used to seeing.

This next video was a little funny because it was more a a silent film with the music and the sayings. I thought it was interesting to see more around the city with the horse&buggy and the old automobiles.

By: Allison Perz


This blog was created for educational purposes at Monmouth University